Monday, January 14, 2008


The word Girlfriends refers to the relationship of friendship that exists between sisters, between a mother and her girl and between girls who are friends. It also refers to that special kind of friendship that exits between a boy and a girl. True girlfriends are those who guide you in the right path, wipe away your hearts and try to make you feel happy when you are feeling low and depressed.

Girlfriends make you feel wanted and make you realize that her life is incomplete without you. Girlfriends are more understanding, compassionate, in nature and you feel secure in the company of your girlfriends. But while selecting girlfriends on has to be very cautious, a there are good-natured as well as bad natured girlfriends.

Therefore, if you have a girlfriend, let her know that you cherish your relationship with her, and also that you care for her and love her, by giving her gifts or cards, or writing poems/ songs, for her. Treat your girlfriend in a special way on special occasions like Valentines Day or Friendships Day and convey to her the fact that she means the world to you.

Here is a list of the various things that you can do to see your Girlfriend delighted, which are:

Arrange a surprise dinner party or take her out for a dinner

Give her gifts,/a bouquet of flowers

Dedicate a song to her with the help of a radio station..

Take her out for a movie or a theater or a musical show.

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